This film marks the birth of ideas such as, alien adduction, alien experimentation, and alien conspiracy. It also give rise to such films and TV show as, Close Encounter of The Third Kind, Fire in the Sky, and most important, The X-Files. The Outer Space Connection is the hallmark of the 1970's, with its heavy pseudo-science overtone to its otherworldly soundtrack which I find very soothing. I love the narration of Rod Serling, his authoritative voice lend some credence to the documentary. Also, the creepy atmosphere the film presented is not too bad either. The subject of movie wandered from ancient alien theory to alien space travel to alien / human experimentation, to communication with other species of animals. Were told at the end of the film that on December 24 (Christmas Eve) 2011 the space aliens who planted us here on earth will came back, by the thousands and in fleets of hundreds of intergalactic spacecrafts, to show us that in fact they are real and our long lost forgotten and distant, in light years and generations, relatives!