This animated series is a continuation, a sequel of sorts. It picks up some seven-years later after the original 'Ghostbusters' disband/break-up, supposedly due to lack of paranormal activity. All the ghosts & goblins simply up and vanish. Suddenly, when strange things/creatures start surfacing again in New York City 1997, 'Egon' recruits an all-new team of 'Ghostbusters' comprised mostly of his best physics class, university students.
One of the best episodes was the return of the original "Real Ghostbusters." They appeared in a two-part episode fully dressed in their old-school jumpsuits and carrying their traditional proton packs. Except this time their true age began to show. They began to act/move a little bit slower.
This 4 DVD set collects all 40 episodes in a boxed set
Color, fullscreen, 880 minutes, stereo, 1997
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