Ultraseven X is the 23rd entry to the Ultra series. It's the revival of the 1967 classic Ultra Seven and is the 1st of the Ultra series to be aimed towards an adult audience. The show aired in 2007...
The monster Rodak has been conquering planets throughout the universe. He sees Earth and wants it, as it is the best he has ever seen. Goldar & Silvar are sent from another planet to protect...
The pilot of Showtime's new show 'Insatiable' is chock full of known celebrities. The comedy, whose cast includes Peter Facinelli and Beth Riesgraf centers on four families living in a small town and...
The Kamen Rider Club discovers that the Dai-Zangyack fleet is moving towards Earth, led by Captain Marvelous as their Great Emperor. With many revived Super Sentai villains under his command, Captain...
Directed by: Noboru Takemoto During the Legend War, the Goseigers and Gosei Knight are overwhelmed by the Zangyack's first invasion force until they are saved by the Gorengers' Akarenger and J.A.K.Q...
The great GREEN HORNET 1960”s show would always start with the Al Hirt trumpet theme and the narrator saying… “Another challenge for the Green Hornet, his aide Kato, and their rolling arsenal, the...
Kamen Rider X Super Sentai: Super hero taihen net movie, Kamen Rider W bonus footage, Kamen Rider stage meeting, and Kamen Rider W Urban Legands quiz show episodes 1-5.
2 DVD set. English subtitles...